Earnings Summary May 2024

Our Top B2B Performers

After last week’s earning calls, Hatched Analytics are excited to share the performance of our reports on some of the most influential B2B names in the industry. These reports are known for their exceptional accuracy, earning many of them top spots on Maiden Century, the leading benchmark for KPI forecasts.

Exploring our Q1 2024 Performance


Our prediction on Intuit’s Total Online Ecosystem Revenue boasts a remarkable 0.4% error rate for the latest quarter, and a 4Q MAPE of 0.9%, earning it the top rank in Maiden Century.

Our QuickBooks Online Revenue prediction also boasted an impressive +0.2% error rate, ranking second on Maiden Century and beating Consensus’ prediction.


Hatched Analytics outperformed Consensus on all three of our KPIs predictions in this report, and boasted error rates under 0.5% across all three.

We predicted Xero’s ANZ subscribers, Total subscribers numbers and International subscribers with an error rate of +0.4%, +0.28% and 0.1%. The latter prediction holds a top rank on Maiden Century.


Our Zoom report maintains its streak of accuracy this quarter, with a minimal +0.35% error rate on ZM’s Revenue KPI. This prediction also outperformed Consensus.

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